Installation and Configuration

The installation will create the database schema and connect to the database using the parameters specified in the Application Configuration. Before you begin, verify you have properly configured the following Initial Parameters:

Name Description / Example
DBTypepostgres | mysql
Odbcjdbc:postgresql://[endpoint]:[port]/[database name]?sslmode=require | jdbc:mysql://[endpoint]:[port]/[ddatabase name]?useSSL=true&requireSSL=true&verifyServerCertificate=false&tinyInt1isBit=false
DBNameThe name of the database to connect to
UsernameThe username to connect to the database
PasswordThe password to connect to the database
SMTP_SERVERThe endpoint of the smtp server []
SMTP_PORTThe port of the smtp server [465]
SMTP_PWDThe password to connect to the email server
SMTP_USERThe username to connect to the email server
SMTP_AUTH_TYPEThe authentication type of the email server [SSL]
SMTP_FROMThe email address that emails are sent from
SMTP_REPLYTOThe email address that emails should be replied to
LicenseKeySecretThe valid license key secret for your subscription
LicenseKeyThe valid license key for your subscription

To continue with the installation, submit the form below. Any existing data will be lost.